Antwort How do you empty a SQL database file? Weitere Antworten – How to empty an SQL database
Using SQL Server Management Studio
- In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.
- Expand Databases, right-click the database to delete, and then select Delete.
- Confirm the correct database is selected, and then select OK.
Expand Databases, right-click the database from which to delete the file, and then click Properties. Select the Files page. In the Database files grid, select the file to delete and then click Remove. Click OK.Freeing up space in local SQL Server Databases
- Shrink the DB. There is often unused space within the allocated DB files (*. mdf).
- Shrink the Log File. Same idea as above but with the log file (*. ldf).
- Rebuild the indexes and then shrink the DB. If you have large tables the indexes are probably fragmented.
How to delete all data from database SQL Server : In SQL, the DROP TABLE command is used to delete a table and all of its data from a database. This command will permanently remove the specified table, therefore caution should be exercised when using it. You can learn more about the DROP TABLE command at W3Schools SQL DROP TABLE.
How do I make my database empty
To empty a database follow these steps:
- Go to cPanel >> Databases section >> phpMyAdmin menu.
- Select the database you wish to empty.
- Tick Check All to select all tables and choose the Drop option from the With selected drop-down list:
- This will execute the DROP TABLE SQL query to empty all the tables at once.
How do I empty and DELETE SQL Server log files : Truncate the transaction log
- Right-click the database and select Properties -> Options.
- Set the recovery model to Simple and exit the menu.
- Right-click the database again and select Tasks -> Shrink -> Files.
- Change the type to Log .
- Under Shrink action, select Reorganize pages before releasing unused space and click OK.
Shrink the transaction log
- Right-click the database and select Tasks -> Shrink -> Files.
- Change the type to Log .
- Under Shrink action, select Release unused space and click OK.
When you establish an SSH connection and access the command line, run this command to log in as the MySQL root or admin user.
- $ mysql -u root -p. Or you could use this command to log in to the user assigned to the database you intend to drop.
- Mysql -uUsername -pPassword.
- mysql> DROP DATABASE dbname;
How do I clear my DB SPACE
- Delete obsolete product files.
- Delete obsolete source files from the cache.
- Save files offline, and then delete them.
- Delete obsolete data. Attention: Before reclaiming disk space by deleting objects or cleaning cache files, back up your database (for example, by using the ccmdb backup command).
By far, the fastest way to delete a bunch of records is to use the TRUNCATE TABLE statement. This is much faster than the DELETE statement because it does not log any of the row-level delete operations. However, you can only use TRUNCATE TABLE : To delete ALL the records in the table.The Delete command in SQL is a part of the Data Manipulation Language, a sub-language of SQL that allows modification of data in databases. This command is used to delete existing records from a table. Using this, you can either delete specific records based on a condition or all the records from a table.
If you do not create any tables or insert any data, the database will remain empty. It's important to note that even an empty database still uses disk space on the server, as the database metadata and other system information are stored in the database files.
How do I make my MySQL database empty : Than navigate to "User -> Managed products -> MS SQL -> Databases". You'll see a list of available MS SQL plans. Click on "Create" hyperlink. Enter database name, select Login and MS SQL version and click on "Create empty database» button.
How do I DELETE a database file : To delete database files:
- Shut down starter database orcl at the command prompt: Copy. C:\> oradim -SHUTDOWN -SID orcl -SHUTTYPE inst -SHUTMODE immediate.
- Delete the following files from the directory C:\app \username\ oradata\orcl : Copy.
How to empty a database in MySQL
When you establish an SSH connection and access the command line, run this command to log in as the MySQL root or admin user.
- $ mysql -u root -p. Or you could use this command to log in to the user assigned to the database you intend to drop.
- Mysql -uUsername -pPassword.
- mysql> DROP DATABASE dbname;
Move the log file to a different disk
If you cannot free enough disk space on the drive that currently contains the log file, consider moving the file to another drive with sufficient space. Log files should never be placed on compressed file systems.The LDF file is the log file for the database. It's a critical part of maintaining the data integrity of the database. Removing it can cause loss of data and SQL Server will in a best case create a new one and pick up from there.
How do I drop all tables from a database in MySQL : In MySQL Workbench, you can drop all tables pretty easily as well. Select all of the tables in your database in the Schema Browser clicking on the first table, holding Shift, and clicking on the last table. Right-click on the selected tables and select “Drop (n) Tables…”