Antwort Does ja mean yes? Weitere Antworten – What language is ja for yes

Does ja mean yes?
In German, Dutch, Afrikaans, Swedish and Norwegian it is "Ja." (Sounds like "Yah.")"ja" is the German word for "yes".You may have heard it before, but "ja" is the short and simple word in German for "yes." As in most languages, in German, there are multiple ways to say it.

How do you say OK in German : Answer and Explanation:

The expression 'okay' can be translated into German as in Ordnung (pronounced: een OHRT-noong), which literally means 'in order,' or as gut (pronounced: goot), which means 'good,' but it's also possible to use the English terms okay or OK.

What does ja mean in English


Ja, grammatical particle meaning "yes" in most Germanic languages (including informal English) Ja, meaning "I" in many Slavic languages. Я (Ya), a Cyrillic letter, pronounced /ja/ in some languages.

Which languages use ja : And yea has a straight line back to Proto-Germanic *ja, which has its children in German, Dutch, Swedish, and Icelandic. Yeah, I'd say English is fitting in perfectly with its sister languages here.

Jawohl meaning

Jawohl consists of two words: ja, which as any German learner hopefully knows means “yes”, and wohl, which means “well” or “indeed”. In this context, wohl is used as a modal particle to add stress, so the word jawohl means something along the lines of “certainly” or “yes, definitely”.

The root is Proto Indo European ye (agreed), which became Proto Germanic ja. But both took their own paths to become the current words. Yeah travelled through Middle English and Old Engli…

Does Yeah come from ja

The root is Proto Indo European ye (agreed), which became Proto Germanic ja. But both took their own paths to become the current words. Yeah travelled through Middle English and Old Engli…Today we are going to learn three ways you can use to say i am okay in german. The first one is the most common one ich bin okay as you can see this one is a direct translation from english. TheTschüss is standard German. Tschau came from Italian, Ciao, so it is kind of (somewhat) a loan word, and has variants in literally every Central European language (next-door, for instance, in Czechia, they say this as well but it is spelled čao.) They both mean good-bye, and are widely used interchangeably in Austria.

"ja" is normally a positive reaction to a question as "yes". But in German "ja" has a lot of other uses, not possible with English yes.

Who says ja instead of yes : The direct and indirect ways of saying yes in German. The most direct way of saying yes in German is ja, and it sounds like the English yeah!

Do Germans still say jawohl : In the military, saying jawohl (with a sharper sounding 'o') was more common. But since the tone in the military is harsher than everyday language, jawohl lost its long 'o' sound and started sounding more like jawoll. Nowadays, jawohl and jawoll are mostly used to mock the military tone.

Why do Germans say ja all the time

Possibly because they hear people say “yeah” or “yup” in ways that sometimes sound similar to “ja” and so they assume it's among a range of acceptable alternatives to “yes”.


The English word 'yes' is thought to come from the Old English word 'gēse', meaning 'may it be so', and can be traced back to earlier than the 12th century. In the centuries since, lots of alternatives to the word 'yes' have sprung up in the English language, and there are no many meanings for the word 'yes' too.The earliest known use of the adverb ja is in the 1820s. OED's earliest evidence for ja is from 1826, in the writing of Horatio Smith, writer and humorist. ja is a borrowing from Dutch. Etymons: Dutch ja.

What is the most common German swear word : scheiße

One of the most common bad words in German, scheiße, has several creative constructions that mirror the English use of “sh*t.”